Infographic: Should You Work For Free In Order To Secure A Job?
If you think that you’ve been shortchanged in the tasks at hand (or any future ones you’re about to partake in), think again, evaluate the situation and find other alternatives if what you find is unsuitable. Many organizations and companies these days prioritize experience much greater than paper-qualifications and skills, hence why it’s not surprising that internships and non-paid jobs are so popular these days. Experience is just simply priceless.
The infographic below uses data or comments derived from a group of design enthusiasts from a specific Reddit discussion. There is a limited set of data which we can rely upon to make a conclusion, but it’s somewhat interesting to ponder upon and discuss.
Enjoy the findings below and don’t forget to leave your views on the comments section below or simply join the discussion on Reddit.
Said No
Said Yes

If people continue to work for free, people will continue to expect to be able to find people to work for free. It sets a bad standard and makes it harder for you to find a job in your industry in the long run.
Why would someone pay you when they can find another highly motivated person looking for experience willing to work for nothing? Entire industries have ******* themselves over by undervaluing their contribution and accepting working for nothing as the norm.
Don’t be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution.

or click on the button below to join in the discussion at Reddit.