3 Free DIVI Ebook Landing Pages

3 Free DIVI Ebook Landing Pages

We’re giving away three single page layouts for free from our 10-layout premium eBook landing page set. Best for authors who wish to sell, promote or even give your free ebooks away. Play around with the layout and replace the books with other products or services.

Free Divi Layout #3: Workspace

Free Divi Layout #3: Workspace

Free Divi Layout #3: Workspace Third free DIVI layout after some time. This time around, it’s a layout specifically designed around workspace concepts, but definitely can be extended to other niches very easily. A relatively long single-page (blank template)...
Free Divi Layout #3: Workspace

Free Divi Layout #2: Shutterbug

In this layout, I went with a photography / event based theme, specifically for those who are in this field and industry. Of course, this layout is not meant to be used only for this, as it can be fully modified to suit your own requirements.

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